Results for: XC95144XL10TQ100C in CPLD
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A complex programmable logic device (CPLD) is a programmable logic device with complexity between that of PALs and FPGAs, and architectural features of both. The main building block of the CPLD is a macrocell, which contains logic implementing disjunctive normal form expressions and more specialized logic operations. CPLDs were an evolutionary step from even smaller devices that preceded them, PLAs (first shipped by Signetics), and PALs. These in turn were preceded by standard logic products, that offered no programmability and were used to build logic functions by physically wiring several standard logic chips together (usually with wiring on a printed circuit board, but sometimes, especially for prototyping, using wire wrap wiring). The main distinction between FPGA and CPLD device architectures is that FPGAs are internally based on look-up tables (LUTs) while CPLDs form the logic functions with sea-of-gates (for example, sum of products).

Programmable Logic > Programmable Devices > CPLD

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