Results for: VCFC32KN in V2F and F2V
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V2F and F2V

Voltage-to-frequency (V2F) and frequency-to-voltage (F2V) converters are electrical components used for converting back and forth between frequency and voltage. They are both usually found as small discrete devices functioning as part of a larger system. V2F converters produce a periodic output voltage waveform with the frequency being (ideally) linearly dependent on the input voltage. Typically the minimum input voltage will produce the minimum output frequency, and vice versa. The fundamental component inside a V2F is usually some type of oscillator. V2F components are typically used in low-cost or electrically simple systems. More precise frequency generation is usually done with a low-frequency reference clock and PLL circuitry. F2Vs are used in industrial and instrumentation applications, as well as being ideal for converting voltages into audible signals. F2V converters can be used in a comparator-like fashion, producing an output voltage only when the input frequency exceeds a pre-programmed value. Alternatively, the F2V converter can be used to produce a voltage that is linearly proportional to the input frequency as compared to the maximum input frequency. An F2V may use low-pass/integration filtering on its input in order to remove undesired ripples. A common application of F2Vs is detecting the rotation speed or response time in a mechanical system.

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