Results for: HBL5666C in Connector Power
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Connector Power

Power connector may refer to: AC power plugs and sockets, devices that allow electrically operated equipment to be connected to the primary alternating current (AC) power supply in a building NEMA connector, the standard for much of the Americas and Japan for such plugs and sockets Industrial power plug DC connector, an electrical connector for supplying direct current (DC) power Blade connector, commonly found in cars for quick connection of wiring to electrical components IEC 60309 (BS 4343), so-called "Commando" plug and socket IEC 60320, connectors for power supply cords to electrical appliances Molex connector, four-pin hard disk drive (HDD) connectors, also used for powering CD-ROM drives, burners etc. Berg connector, smaller four pin floppy disk drive (FDD) connectors, also used by some hard drives, and carrying the same power supplies as the HDD connectors
